A Letter from the Director

Kia ora e te whānau,

As we celebrate Matariki and Te Tau Hou Māori, I am honoured to address you as the new Executive Director of Auckland Pride.

Reflecting the spirit of renewal that we experience at this time, our organization is undergoing positive changes, including a streamlined structure and new team members, to enhance our efficiency and creative outputs.

We bid farewell to Julia Croft and Nathan Joe and welcome Vic Walsh as Operations Manager and Blaise Clotworthy as Partnerships Manager. These changes align with our vision of an equitable Aotearoa for all Rainbow Communities.

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And that's a wrap for Auckland Pride 2024

What an incredible, rich and joyous Pride! We are so grateful to our community for their incredible events, exhibitions, performances and bodies on the dance floor.  

Come revisit some of your favourite festival memories below. We are humbled to look back and reflect on the amazing community members, artists, and leaders we got to share space with across Auckland Pride month.

Photo credit: The Bloom (photography by Jinki Cambronero)

Pride Festival Highlights
